Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology Program

Decades of research have indicated that the most effective injury prevention methods are found in elite sport. These methods involve the measurement of an athlete’s movements using wearable technology and analysis of the data collected to identify injury risk and guide action to reduce risk.

This wearable technology, which has been validated by leading universities, is now available to companies, allowing employers to accurately identify workplace injury risk and manage these risks in a cost-effective way.

Bodycare have partnered with Preventure to deliver an innovative injury risk assessment program leveraging wearable technology. By enabling real-time data collection and analysis, we delve deeply into high-risk roles and areas to gain a science-backed understanding of potential injury risks. This allows us to extract actionable insights to address health risks and reduce workplace injuries for our clients.

Benefits of wearable technology for workplace injury prevention

Real-time monitoring

  • Detect potential health risks and prompt intervention early, reducing the likelihood of accidents and health-related incidents.

Enhanced safety

  • Receive first-hand and specific information about where the risks are in your workplace so you can take immediate action and potentially save lives.

Improved ergonomics

  • Receive feedback on how to continually improve the ergonomics of your workplace to promote long-term musculoskeletal health and reduce work-related injuries.

Personalised wellbeing

  • Empower your employees to take control of their wellbeing and be involved in important insights and decisions. This fosters a culture of well-being in the workplace and can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

Data-driven decision making

  • Identify patterns, trends and potential areas for improvement within your workplace. Leverage this to implement targeted interventions and optimise conditions, while reducing injuries and enhancing overall organisational performance.

Remote assistance and training

  • Connect remote or onsite workers with experts who can provide instructions, troubleshooting and feedback. This helps with training and reducing errors and the risk of injuries.

Start on the right foot with expert help from Bodycare and Preventure.

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Contact us today to discuss how wearable technology could assist you in assessing injury risks in your workplace:

Contact Bodycare today to learn more about our occupational health services.