Safety Consulting & Training

Job Task Analysis

Most organisations have documented position descriptions, including KPI’s relating to employees performance and their code of conduct. Inherent requirements of jobs are not the same as job description.

Sometimes employers and employees alike do not fully comprehend the key demands of a job, including the physical, psychological, cognitive, behavioural and environmental components of that job. As such, certain situations like recruiting the right candidate or planning the safe return to work of an injured employee can become a daunting task if the inherent requirements of a person’s role are not clearly outlined.


What is Job Task Analysis?

Job Task Analysis (JTA) involves a comprehensive examination and breakdown of the demands specific to a particular task within a workplace. JTA’s are conducted by experienced Occupational Health Consultants, with extensive knowledge of workplace environments, skilled in observation of movement.

Our Job Task Analysis helps organisations identify the inherent requirements of a role and can be used for pre employment screening and RWT planning.

Benefits of a Job Task Analysis

Provides a clear understanding of the physical requirements of a task and the inherent physical demands
Allows employer to provide potential employee with a clear picture on the role before employment
Helps to streamline rehabilitation and return to work by giving health professionals useful information such as specific suitable duties available

Make your safety program a key part of your company culture by actively committing to it at all levels of leadership.

Bodycare’s JTA’s include the following:

Description of the job task
Breakdown of the physical demands of the job task (including frequency and duration of tasks)
Assessment of the environment
Identification of equipment required to perform the duties
Psychological, cognitive and behavioural demands of the role
Shift times
Photos of the employee performing the job task
Overall physical demand rating of each job task

Bodycare provides the employer with a document reviewing each job task in light of the elements set out above. When multiple JTA’s are completed, they are collated to form a Job Dictionary. Click here to find out more about a workplace Job Dictionary.

Contact us now to learn more about our Safety Consulting and Training services