Pre Employment Medicals & Health Screening
Health Assessment Software
At Bodycare, we believe in a seamless user experience through the use of technology to streamline the booking processes and overall management of health assessments within an organisation.
To ensure that our clients and partners have complete oversight when it comes to managing health assessments in their organisation, we have created a variety of online tools that aim to improve efficiency, provide 24/7 live progress tracking and enable our clients to view reports at the click of a button.
Some of the features of the Bodycare system include:
Online Booking and Assessment Requests
When requesting a pre employment medical or health assessment, it’s simple. All you need to do is log into the Bodycare Dashboard and enter some basic information, from there we will take care of the rest. Once the information is received, our team will contact the candidate or employee and appropriate clinic to arrange the appointment booking and you will be notified once everything has been arranged.
Assessment Progress Tracking
One of the key features of our platform, is the ability to track assessment progress at the click of a button. Relevant managers have the ability to log into our dashboard and monitor assessment progress, this reduces the amount of back and forth that takes place when key stakeholders are looking for progress updates on a given candidate.
Bodycare’s booking team regularly provide updates through the dashboard e.g. if they are unable to contact a new candidate to confirm their availability, this information is recorded in the notes section of each booking/assessment.
Other features of the tracking system include
- The ability to monitor when online questionnaires have been sent and complete
- The ability to monitor when appointments have been booked- including ability to view appointment details
- The ability to track when appointments have been missed
At the conclusion of all assessments completed by Bodycare, a report is generated within hours of the assessment taking place. This information is made available to relevant stakeholders within the organisation via email and can also be accessed via the online dashboard.