A Clinical Take On Employee Health And Wellbeing Recording

Thank you to everyone who attended our Lunch and Learn – A Clinical Take On Employee Health and Wellbeing. We hope that you found the session beneficial and came away with some great insights and tips to implement in your workplace.

As Meg mentioned in the presentation, as employers and health professionals, our roles implore us to seek to assess all aspects of an employee’s life and health along with the impacts on their working environment.

Below are Meg’s top three takeaways from the seminar:

  1. It is important to raise awareness and education around Health and Wellbeing among workplaces and their employees.
    It is important that awareness is raised among workplaces, employers and employees alike, regarding the importance of health and wellbeing in conjunction with the benefits to health and safety.
  2. Health and Wellbeing Programs need to be tailored to industry and workplaces through evidence-based research and cross-industry learnings.
    Our role is to work closely together and across industry to identify health and wellbeing programs that complement the legislative health and safety activities required to be performed in workplaces. And your role as employers is to choose the activities that best suit your workplace with the ultimate aim to provide best outcomes for employees and your business.
  3. More data and analysis is required to drive the changes required in Health and Wellbeing.
    Employee health and wellbeing programs need to be initiated in conjunction with robust evidence-based research and a shared knowledge of relevant cross-industry learnings. In order to effect real change, it will take a collaborative approach… Occupational Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health, Employers, Employees. We all need to jump on board.

If you happened to miss the session and are looking to get a taste for what’s in store for our Lunch and Learn series, we encourage you to check the recording out via the form below.