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The Risks of Pushing and Pulling

Pushing and pulling objects is one of the most common manual handling tasks that are seen at nearly every worksite that Bodycare services. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 50% of manual handling performed in the industries that we work at everyday are push/pull based manoeuvres.

Unfortunately, this type of manual handling exposes workers to different hazards including musculoskeletal stress, shoulder and lower back pain and slip/fall risks. That’s why it’s incredibly important to be proactive and identify manual handling hazards within the workplace to ensure that controls can be put into place before injuries occur. 

Recently we reviewed a study that explores the maximum acceptable pushing and pulling forces as well as factors that can affect pushing and pulling forces. By combining industry knowledge and the data collected from this study, it makes analysing push/pull tasks with the aim of implementing controls to decrease risk very efficient. The result? Reduced workplace injuries.

Click below to read the Literature Review and let us know what you think![vc_single_image image=”10824″ img_size=”361×521″ onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=””]

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