PCR Testing at Your Workplace

PCR Testing at Your Workplace

As we work together to stop the spread of COVID-19, organisations are looking for ways to protect their teams, their customers and the wider community – all the while, keeping their businesses up and running. To help businesses remain open while reducing the spread of COVID-19, Bodycare are offering Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Tests in the workplace.

A PCR test for COVID-19 is a test used to confirm people who are currently infected with SARS-CoV-2, which is the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

PCR testing for COVID-19 can help alleviate employers’ fears of the virus rapidly and unknowingly circulating through their organisation, as well as being passed on to their customers and risking public health.

Results of COVID-19 testing are provided to the organisation and any positive results sent on to the state-based government disease control centre where guidance and support on managing the positive result and contact-tracing are provided.

If a case is detected through systematic workplace COVID-19 testing, the organisation will be in a much better position to investigate, manage and control the situation, giving the much-needed additional time to react before it becomes a major concern.

Benefits of PCR Testing with Bodycare

  • Testing is conducted onsite by a health professional.
  • Early detection of infectious individuals prior to them becoming symptomatic.
  • Protect your staff, customers, visitors and suppliers.
  • Provides confidence that your employees are safe to go to work each day.
  • The most accurate and reliable COVID-19 test available.

Contact us to learn more about our health assessment services