Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire (ÖMPQ)


The following ÖMPQ is a standardised questionnaire and is widely used for screening to predict recovery outcomes. The individual questions, answers and score values will not be shared and only a final risk rating of low, medium or high will be shared where appropriate.

These questions and statements apply if you have aches or pains, such as back, shoulder or neck pain.
Please read and answer questions carefully. Do not take long to answer the questions, however it is important that you answer every question. There is always a response for your particular situation.

First Name
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Last Name:
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How long have you had your current pain problem?
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How would you rate the pain that you have had during the past week?
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Please select the one number which best describes your current ability to particpate in each of these activities.
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I can do light work for an hour.
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I can sleep at night.
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How tense or anxious have you felt in the past week?
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How much have you been bothered by feeling depressed in the past week?
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In your view, how large is the risk that your current pain may become persistent?
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In your estimation, what are the chances that you will be working your normal duties in 3 months?
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Here are some of the things which other people have told us about their pain. For each statement, please select one number from 0 to 10 to say how much physical activities, such as bending, lifting, walking or driving affect your pain.
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An increase in pain is an indication that I should stop what I’m doing until the pain decreases.
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I should not do my normal work with my present pain.
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